

Our Dad finally got home from working away since just after our wedding (at the beginning of June). We miss him very, very much every time we say goodbye and none of us ever really know what the next two months will hold. We never know what type of things come about and what kind of support we might need from one another and doing it from afar surely isn't easy for our Dad. We always meet at Mom and Dad's house (no matter what) on the night that Dad gets home from Africa ~ every two months for the last three years. And I cry every single time on the five minute drive there. I've never figured out if it's all the excitement of his arrival or the sadness in knowing that we will have to engage in our long hug goodbye in a short months time or if I'm just simply overwhelmed by the reality of it all. But I cry and then I smile and then I'm there and we always enjoy Dad's first night back. Just a few photos of what we did ~ ran around with the monkey in the back yard, got a little soaked in the baby pool, tried out Chayse's new bike, swung on the porch swing my lovely husband handmade for my parents, and just caught up!

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