Introducing cute as a button Cash! Cash is my friend Courtenay's first born. He was born very early and very tiny but his personality is definitely not. Cash is growing bigger and stronger every day and each time I see him, I get a little comfier picking him up! I don't know what it is about tiny babies and the worry people have with holding them. I never imagined being worried to hold such a small baby but then again, all the babies I was use to, in our family, were adorably huge at birth. Court and I spent the afternoon moving sleeping Cash into sweet little positions, cozying him in her gorgeous turquoise throw blanket. I just love Cash. Love his name. Love the hardcore blonde Hawk he's got goin' on with his hair. Love. Him. To. Bits. Courtenay & Bob's puppy, Bailey, didn't leave our side the entire session so we couldn't possibly have left her out of the shots. She was a huge fan of cuddling in the blanket with Cash and I'm so glad we caught the memories on camera for them to remember forever. Love you three!
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