
drama-tic it up

I came across a make up style that I fell head over heels for instantly in the latest LOU LOU magazine. It's been ripped out and pinned on my fridge to remind me to bring it the salon with me next week. I don't wear eye make up very often so maybe this is too harsh for me but something along this color line. I'm wanting a little more of a  dramatic look but I'll leave it to the pros to tell me if it's a go or not. I also have my hair consultation next week. I hope I know what I want, if not it'll be a first ;) 
Off topic but worth mentioning - it's Ben's stag this weekend and they're heading off to Whistler. I had my celebration and now it's time for his! I'm hoping his trip is full of lots of fun and memories he'll never forget. All of his friends are amazing guys so I feel confident they'll look out for one another. Enjoy my love!

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